Sperm whale feared dead after it washed up on east coast of England | UK News
A sperm whale is feared to have died after it washed up on the east coast of England.
British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) was called at about 12.15pm on Good Friday to help with a “large, stranded whale” on the beach at Cleethorpes, near Grimsby.
The charity said the animal had been spotted “upright in the water” at about midday, but by the time it reached the beach it was stranded on its side.
A BDMLR spokesperson said: “HM Coastguard and Cleethorpes beach safety team were able to get photographs to help us make a positive identification, and keep the public safe on what can be a dangerous area.
“Unfortunately, the tide was rising quickly and therefore there was no way for BDMLR medics to safely access the whale, and it was soon under the water.
“The beach safety team were able to show our medics CCTV footage of the whale before it became submerged, and it did appear to have passed away.”
The charity said it believes the whale was likely a male as “it is very uncommon for female sperm whales to be found this far north, the only recording of one in the UK being in 2016”.
Sperm whales are the largest toothed whale reaching up to 16 metres in length.